The world, and its climate, has become more unpredictable regardless of the cause. While the profit motive continues to be a key driving force of human development my focus is on people and their relationship to the planet. Without any doubt, just as water was once our greatest resource it will again be vital to every facet of our continued existence and prosperity
To that end I am, and believe each of us should be, an agent of change for good in the world. Without greater equity and justice there will never be a lasting peace leading to a better outcome for us all
I measure success in the knowledge imparted to change makers and agents, which I believe will ensure both our economic prosperity as well as the sustainability of the planet
For the past 3 decades I have made it my mission to raise awareness, challenge orthodoxy and increase cooperation in the field of ocean governance. My courses, consultancies and master classes have been delivered across the globe and to a wide range of audiences.
To quote the proto-environmentalist Teddy Roosevelt ‘The best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing’. I look forward to offering you my services and continuing my mission